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By Your Life inspires and challenges you to connect the last words you heard at Mass on Sunday with Monday through Friday in a secular, business world. By Your Life encourages you live your Catholic faith in the marketplace and to discover that it is good for business. By Your Life offers you practical ways to go forth and glorify God by your life.




Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.

~ Saint Augustine

“Do not be afraid! Open the doors to Christ. God works in the concrete and personal affairs of each one of us. Don’t let the time that the Lord gives you run on as if everything is due to chance. With this expression of my hope I send you all, from the depth of my heart, my blessing.” ~ Saint Pope John Paul II

Oct 30, 2020

Wealth is morally neutral, but as MCI-WorldCom, Enron, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, and Purdue Pharma have shown, an unbridled pursuit of wealth can lead to our downfall.

Oct 25, 2020

A leader cannot effectively lead others without first leading themself to set and achieve goals that are aligned with his/her purpose. A pre-requisite to this self-leadership is a strong self-image which rests on self-love.

Oct 15, 2020

Most people will ignore facts that are contrary to their beliefs and will seek out, interpret, and focus on facts that confirm their preconceptions. It’s called confirmation bias and it should scare us.

Oct 9, 2020

When co-workers share a meal it helps build camaraderie, fosters deeper work relationships and boosts productivity. It can be a way to share goals or brainstorm solutions to challenges with others who bring different perspectives.

Oct 4, 2020

Healthy, productive organizational cultures don’t just happen. They need to be cultivated. Unfortunately, many organizations identify a few core values they think are good and then “plant” them, hoping they’ll take root. This never works.